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Drink Tea & Lose Your Weight – Weight Loss Tea for You

Drink Tea & Lose Your Weight – Weight Loss Tea for You

Obesity is one of the major problems faced by majority of people around the globe. Weight-loss experts use several techniques and diets to overcome bad cholesterol and promote healthy weight loss. One of the top methods is to drink healthy weight loss tea.

Sipping a nice cup of tea calms the mind and rejuvenates the body. Some teas can be helpful in boosting the metabolic process of the body and therefore burn the unwanted fats. Some teas can also aid in reducing appetite.

Popular Teas Which Can Help In Reducing Weight:

Green Tea: It is the most popular weight loss tea; loaded with catechins and antioxidants, it helps the liver to process fats and does not allow the excessive storage of fats in the body. Tea drinkers know green tea as an appetite suppressant thus helping to avoid an excess of calories. It keeps the stomach feel full for a longer duration. 3 cups of tea daily for 3 months results in 5-10% of total fat reduction. It also helps to keep the body healthy and lowers the risk of heart attack.

Yerbe Mate: It is an herbal tea which is widely used in South America. This tea contains particles that stimulate substances to help burn fats and calories in the body. As a result it helps to suppress the appetite. The digestion process slows down resulting in lesser consumption of calories.

White Tea: It is not as common as green tea. White tea helps to lose weight too by slowing down the body’s ability to retain fats from the food. Drinking white tea for a longer duration helps to burn existing unwanted fat, prevents the storage of new fat and reduce weight.

Pu-ERH: It is a delicacy from China. You may know it as a type of black tea because the herb is fermented and aged naturally. The more the herb is aged, the better it tastes. The herb contains a special enzyme which helps to decompose fat cells.

3 More Weight Loss Teas That We Love!

Bilberry: It is loaded with antioxidants. Bilberry helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, reduces sugar cravings and boosts the immune system. It is one of the popular weight loss teas.

Chickweed: Experts use this herbal tea to cure upset stomach, gas, bloating problem. It is rich in potassium and magnesium and therefore acts as a laxative and diuretic. It helps remove excess fats and water weight. Daily one cup of this herbal tea is recommended to keep the digestive tract clean and healthy.

Hibiscus Tea: Hibiscus is a flowering plant and is loaded with nutrients. It contains amylase inhibitors, which helps to lower the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. The hibiscus tea contains lots of antioxidants which help to boost the immune system.

Tips for Consuming Weight Loss Tea:

  • It is best to have weight loss teas in their natural form. If the taste is not tolerable, add low or 0 calorie condiments to make it taste good.
  • For maximum efficiency, drink 3 cups of the weight loss tea daily.
  • Drink warm tea.

Follow these tips and reduce your weight in no time with your favorite beverage i.e. tea. For availing good quality weight loss tea at reasonable rates; get in touch with Body Bites; one stop shop for all types of tea including weight loss, stress etc.